We kept this process very simple.
If you would like to cancel your booking service we require 5 working days to complete the process. Your service end within 24 hours of the notice.
- All reservations that are in our booking system will have your “percentage” calculated.
- We will perform a final deduction from the e-transfers we received for your campground.
- We will e-transfer back to your preferred email of choice.
- We will provided a printed report of all the reservations that are connected to your campground that have not arrived.
- Your website will be removed from the campsylvanlake.ca website and your login for the reservation portal will be removed.
Thank you for your patronage.
RVWorxs reserves the right, without notice and in its sole discretion, to terminate your service to use our Site(s), and to block or prevent your access to and use of the Sites and Service.